This is an eyewitness account of God’s saving grace on September 11th, 2001 from an active duty Army officer who survived at ‘Ground Zero,’ Pentagon. It is the story of 9-11 Pentagon heroes and how just ‘one person’ can make a difference in this life.
This book speaks to the prophetic destiny in each of us and encourages us that one person can make a difference to the glory of God. It speaks salvation to those who are lost, and encouragement for those who mourn, are fearful, and who feel insignificant, thinking that their life has no real purpose, that they cannot make a difference. It is also for those called to a prophetic destiny, but do not see how the Master Potter weaves all facets of our life together.
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In the present day ministries of Apostles and Prophets, which Jesus Christ set in the church as foundational and revelational ministries. We believe that the five-fold ministries of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher are fully functional in today's church for the equipping of the saints, the work of the ministry and the edification of the Body of Christ. They are for the divine purpose of bringing every believer into the unity of the faith, so that each believer may fulfill God's perfect will for their lives. (Acts 3:21, 11:27-28, 21:10; Ephesians 2:20, 4:11-16; I Cor 12:28; Romans 12:6-8)
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Bible Dynamics is written with the purpose of making Bible Study more meaningful, spiritually refreshing and life-giving. The word 'dynamics' means "a change producing force." When studied on a consistent basis, this is what the Bible should accomplish--a change in your life! The Word of God (the Bible) is alive with life-changing power!
This book provides resources and methods for bible study that will renew your mind, build your faith, and improve your relationship with Jesus Christ. The first part of this book addresses what the Bible is and God's purpose for His Word. The next section addresses why and how we should study the bible, how we obtained it, and how to interpret the Bible. Finally, study methods and types of Bible study are presented.
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As a pastor and professional counselor for over 20 years, I asked the Lord to reveal to me how to help people overcome problem areas. The Lord answered me by revealing that the process for overcoming is very similar for many problems we face in life. Consequently, the techniques in this book may be applied to any sin, addiction or obstacle that the believer is trying to overcome.
This book is not intended to be all inclusive on every topic, but rather to give you a process to help you be victorious in your life. In this book, the “Chocolate Donut Process” highlights a scriptural based process through which we can overcome life’s problems. I pray that you will be encouraged to apply these techniques to your life to be the overcomer that the Lord has called you to be!
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